FLUXDOME is a bespoke large-scale geodesic sculptural dome fitted with Kunststrom technology to host the institutions outdoor events and associated public programme. FLUXDOME draws on the Fluxus movement and Buckminster Fuller’s seminal ideas of co-production, autonomy and de-alienating industry made popular through his ‘spaceship earth’ and geodesic dome designs. Co-produced on site FLUXDOME showcases how it is possible to build low-tech stable structures for alternative living and energy production, and provokes questions concerning autonomy and decentralised power. FLUXDOME is an adapted beveled frame geo-dome design by Paul Robinson.
Text: Helen Turner, artistic curator E-WERK Luckenwalde
August 2019 / E-WERK Luckenwalde / mit Umschichten / Bauleitung, Produktion
Projekt Geodom
Ort Luckenwalde, E-Werk
Zeitraum August & September 2019
Fotos von Clemence Vessaire
Mit Um:schichten